Veal Liver
Veal liver is prized for it's subtle flavor, and smooth,fine-grained texture. The liver is smooth, a little rounded, and rectangular.
Veal liver may come in light reddish tan to tan.
Translations: Teļa aknu, Veršienos Kepenys, Ficat de viţel, Teleća jetra, Veal gan, Cielęciny wątroby, Kalfslever, वील जिगर, Fígado Bovino, Телячья печень, Μοσχαράκι Ήπαρ, لحم العجل الكبد, 송아지 간, Telecí játra, Hati sapi, Karne ng usa Atay, 韦肝, Fetge de vedella, Telečjega jeter, Teľacia pečeň, Fegato di vitello, כבד עגל, Kalvkött Lever, Телетина јетре, 仔牛肝臓, Foie de veau, Kalbsleber, Kalvelever, Kalv Liver, Hígado de ternera, Теляча печінка, Vasikanmaksaa, Телешки черен дроб