Red Raspberry Leaf
The Red Raspberry Leaf is a pale green leaf produced by the Raspberry plant;an upright shrub with perennial roots and prickly ,biennial canes . the leaf has many medical uses due to its rich contents in vitamins ,minerals and tannins . the leaves are described as astringent is use.
Translations: Red Aveņu Leaf, Red aviečių lapai, Crvena malina Leaf, Raspberry Red Leaf, Red Raspberry leaf, Raspberry Red Leaf, लाल रास्पबेरी पत्ता, Red Leaf Framboesa, Красная Малина Лиф, توت العليق الأحمر ليف, 빨간 딸기의 잎, Maliník list, Red prambuwesas dahon, 红树莓叶, Xarxa fulles de gerds, Maliník list, האדום עלה פטל, Црвена малина лист, レッドラズベリーリーフ, Feuille Rouge Framboise, Red hojas de frambuesa, Червона Малина Ліф, Red Hallonblad, Червен Малини Leaf