A female hen over 10 months of age and weighing approximately 6-8 pounds. It is most often prepared in soup, stock, or stew.
Other names: Stewing Hen
Translations: Vistiņas, Paukštiena, Găină, Živina, Vịt, Ptactwo, Gevogelte, पक्षी को फंसाना, Galinha, Дичь, Πουλερικό, طير, 새, Slepice, Unggas, Labuyo, 鸡, Gallina, Sliepka, Pollo, עוף, Fågel, Ловити дивљач, 家禽, Volaille, Geflügel, Høns, Høne, Gallina, Дичина, Кокошка