Kangaroo meat is high in protein and low in fat. The leg meat of the kangaroo is quite tough.
Translations: Ķengurs, Kengūra, Cangur, Kengur, Giống đại thừ ở úc châu, Kangur, Kangoeroe, कंगेरू, Canguru, Кенгуру, Καγκουρώ, كنغر, 캥거루, Klokan, Kanguru, Kanggaro, 袋鼠, Guarderia, Klokan, Canguro, קנגורו, Кенгур, カンガルー, Kangourou, Känguru, Canguro, Кенгуру, Kenguru, Кенгуру
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Antelope, Gazelle, Deer, Elk, Caribou, Moose, Reindeer