Maida flour is a finely-milled wheat flour often used in Indian cuisine, specifically breads such as naan and paratha. It is also commonly used in Central and Southeast Asian cuisines.
Indian chefs commonly refer to maida as "all-purpose flour" though it more closely resembles cake flour. In the United States pastry flour can be used as a substitute.
Other names: Wheat starch
Translations: メイダ, المائدة, מיידה, Майда, मेडा, Майда, 梅达, Маида
Physical Description
Very fine powder.
Colors: whitish
Tasting Notes
Flavors: wheatish
Mouthfeel: Earthy
Substitutes: Pastry flour
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Peak: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: choose fresh as it lost its freshness in few weeks and weevil can grow quickly.
Preparation and Use
Samosa, Taftaan, Naan, Sheermal, Sweetmeat.