Angelica has bright green leaves, arranged in triangular groups on 2-foot stems. Angelica's flowers are round, budded clusters that are green in color. The stems and leaves are sweet. The stems can be boiled down and made into a syrup, used in ice cream as well as beverage flavoring. Steep angelica leaves in Riesling for an herbal pre-dinner drink.
Also known as French rhubarb. A tall, thick-stemmed, temperate plant sometimes eaten as a vegetable. Often used in european confectionery the stalks are cut in short pieces and candied
Other names: Seacost Angelica, Red Angelica, Dong Quai
Translations: Αγγελική, Šventagaršvė, حشيشة الملاك, Angélica, Angélique, アンジェリカ, Angelika, Engelwurz, Cây bạch chỉ, Dzięgiel, Анжелика, 안젤리카, Anhelika, אנג 'ליקה, Анжеліка, 当归, Angèlica, Ангелика, Angélica, Ангелика
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Fresh lovage, Fresh tarragon