Acid Whey
Whey is the watery liquid that remains when milk forms curds. Acid Whey is obtained by the acid coagulation of milk in the making of an acid type of cheese such as Cottage Cheese. This type of whey is available in liquid as well as dried powder forms.
Other names: Sour Whey
Translations: Acid Sūkalas, Rūgščių išrūgų, Zer acid, Kiseline sirutke, Kwas Serwatka, Zure wei, एसिड मट्ठा, Soro ácido, Кислой сыворотки, Οξύ Ορός γάλακτος, حامض مصل الحليب, 산성 유장, Kyselé syrovátky, Asam Whey, Patis ng gatas acid, 乳清酸, Sèrum àcid, Acid Sirotka, Kyslej srvátky, Siero di latte acido, חומצה Whey, Vasslesyra, Киселина сурутке, 酸乳, Lactosérum acide, Sauermolke, Acid Valle, Acid Myse, Suero ácido, Кислої сироватки, Acid Hera, Киселина суроватка