Homogenized Milk


Homogenization is a mechanical process where the milk is passed through very small holes to reduce the size of fat globules. These smaller fat globules just remain suspended and don't rise to top. In the olden days when someone bought a bottle of milk, you could see the cream at top. People thought it was very un-seeming so the homogenization process became a marketing tool. You did not have to shake the bottles to mix the cream. It also was in the economical interest of dairy industry so they could make other products from the cream such as butter.


Translations: Homogenizēti Piens, Homogenizuotas pienas, Lapte omogenizate, Homogenizirano mlijeko, Homogenized sữa, Mleko homogenizowane, Gehomogeniseerde melk, Homogenized दूध, Leite homogeneizado, Гомогенизированный молока, Ομογενοποιημένα Γάλα, الحليب مجانس, 무균 우유, Homogenizované mléko, Susu homogen, 均质牛奶, Llet homogeneïtzada, Homogenizirano mleko, Homogenizované mlieko, Latte omogeneizzato, חלב Homogenized, Homogeniserade mjölk, Уједначен млека, 均質牛乳, Lait homogénéisé, Homogenisierte Milch, Homogeniseret Mælk, Homogenisert melk, Leche homogeneizada, Гомогенізований молока, Homogenoitu maito, Хомогенизирано мляко



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