Mother Of Vinegar


A gelatinous colony of acetic acid bacteria. The mother will form in unpasteurized vinegars that still have some residual sugar. The mother can also form naturally in wine or apple cider and turn it to vinegar. To make vinegar, you can add vinegar to any fruit juice or wine.


Translations: Māte Etiķis, Motinos acto, Drojdie de oţet, Majka octa, Mother Of Dấm, Matka octu, Azijnmoer, सिरका की मां, Mãe do vinagre, Матери с уксусом, Η μητέρα του ξυδιού, أم من الخل, 어머니 식초, Matka octa, Мајка сирћета, Ina ng suka, 母亲醋, Mare de Vinagre, Mati kisa, Matka octu, Madre di aceto, אמא של חומץ, Mor vinäger, Ibu Dari Cuka, 母酢, Mère de vinaigre, Essigmutter, Mor af eddike, Mor av eddik, Madre de Vinagre, Матері з оцтом, Äiti viinietikkaa, Майката на оцет

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