Food Blog of the Day Archive

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October 26, 2011
In embarrassing Libra fashion, I must have changed my mind w/r/t the type of cake I wanted to make for the now annual Libra birthday party at least five times. Last year’s entry was a hit, so I was feeling the follow-up pressure, it’s true. But more than that, there’s also finally a full-on fall chill in the air, so I wanted something more rich and comforting than sharply sugary.
October 25, 2011
had a baking spree with my girls this past weekend. They really wanted me to make something “Halloweeny.” And because Pia was involved, it had to be chocolate. I thought about my poor old whoopie pie pan that hasen’t been used since this.
October 24, 2011
I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to post this recipe. I’ve been making it since last year . It’s one of my favorites and something I make regularly. I have another more traditional chicken pot pie recipe which I like a lot, but that recipe is most certainly not low fat so I don’t make it as much (usually only after holidays to use up the extra chicken/turkey). This recipe is a lighter version of chicken pot pie, but it tastes just as good.
October 23, 2011
Simple is almost always better. At least I think so. Simple suppers, simple desserts, simple pleasures. Today we have a simple dessert that is certain to please. We’re poaching beautiful seasonal plums in wine with spices. It’s easy peasy and you can make this in less than 15 minutes. So there are really no excuses NOT to enjoy dessert ; )
October 22, 2011
You guys had such great comments on that post and really got me motivated to finally go through all the recipes I have marked to make. I know this isn’t a baked dish, but I think calling my challenge posts “baking through the blogs” would be more fun than just a challenge. And I like alliteration and use it whenever possible.
October 21, 2011
I’ve found myself in the middle of my favorite season, with very little baking to show for it. Instead of spending time in the kitchen, I’ve been out, living this fall to it’s fullest and spending lots of time with family.
October 20, 2011
I used to hate mushrooms and tofu. Together, separately, with sauce, without sauce, deep fried, grilled, whatever the method; it didn’t matter. I just didn’t think they were for me because every time I tried them, the texture was off.
October 19, 2011
I was first introduced to Happyolks when I tested this granola recipe for editor’s pick over at food52. The granola was great, yes, but it was the words in the headnote of that recipe that really made an impression on me. I started reading the blog soon after, and was immediately hooked.
October 18, 2011
You know what they say about the third time being a charm? Well, it's certainly held true for me this week in my quest to bring you a pumpkin recipe. I'm seeing pumpkins everywhere; on doorsteps, nestled next to lampposts, and in the form of mountain sized displays of canned Libby's.
October 17, 2011
I’ll be honest here – the recipe I am about to give you varies ever so slightly from what I actually made. But I doubt you have a batch of pumpkin caramel just lying around your house like I did, so I have adapted the recipe below to make it much easier for you!
October 16, 2011
I made a spur of the moment decision and organised a visit to see my friends and family in Canada last week! So, this post comes to you from 37,000km above ground level somewhere between Sydney and Vancouver.
October 15, 2011
'm aware that the food world has no shortage of pumpkin cupcake recipes, but I'm sharing this one anyway. It's my favorite because it doesn't err on the "muffiny" side. It is truly a pumpkin cupcake, and I cannot recommend them enough. Make them! Need some convincing?
October 14, 2011
Well, it has been executed. I have made candy corn vodka. I mixed them together in a jar, let it sit for a week, then strained out all these little weird stringy pieces left behind.
October 14, 2011
When we travel, we're usually leaving in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. No matter what, nerves and time constraints usually make it difficult for us (OK, for me) to eat a solid meal before we get to the airport.
October 13, 2011
I don’t like feeling rushed in the kitchen, which is probably why a lot of my cooking is fairly simple, no four course dining flair on this blog. The sausage cassoulet I made was my most extensive-fly-around-the-kitchen-meal, but making this pizza took the cake … I mean pie.
October 12, 2011
If you have the time, this is a wonderful weekend dish for entertaining. It takes several hours, and there aren’t any short cuts you can take to cook the meat, but the majority of the time is hands-off and the results are well worth the effort.
October 11, 2011
Like the delicious butter cake recipe, this beautiful vanilla custard tart is another fine way to enjoy the very best flavour of vanilla.
October 10, 2011
Yesterday Steve Jobs died. There's a quote from President Obama floating around Twitter right now that remarks about how many people discovered the news of Steve Jobs' death on an Apple product.
October 9, 2011
I love fresh bread, I grew up with the smell of fresh baked loaves and pastries, but that was a long time ago. When I started baking, I thought making bread is pretty difficult, that’s why my first one was made by a machine. :) But again, that one too happened a long time ago. Since then I learned to make it myself and never looked back.
October 8, 2011
Those of you who have been around here once or twice before may know of my affinity for homemade condiments. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, chutney, barbecue sauce — you name it — it’s all much better out of your mixing bowl than an easy-squeeze bottle.
