Smashed Avocado & Poached Egg on Rye Sourdough Toast is one of my Sunday brunch favourites. It...
The Chicken Enchilada Nachos is a spin on chicken nachos. The shredded roasted chicken dripping in...
This Miso Sesame Ginger Noodle Salad is my anthem for summer. It’s light & filled with tons of...
This Mango Smoothie Bowl is the perfect way to start out your summer mornings. They're so...
This simple SlowCooker BBQ Brisket recipe uses a homemade, tangy sauce that’s both paleo and...
Shakshouka: Tunisian-style poached eggs in spicy tomato sauce with seasonal veggies.
This Chicken in Oyster Sauce with Braised Bok Choy is a quick and easy supper dish which takes...
These crunchy, spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Lettuce Cups are a great way to eat more vegetables....
This Thai Salad recipe has so many flavors and textures that every bite is an experience. You get...
This Cauliflower Shrimp Fried “Rice” is the perfect, healthy, quick and easy meal that’ll satisfy...
These Smoked Chicken and Cheddar Quesadillas are delicious and fast. It's something the whole...
Our Mixed Berry Trifle is made with layers of fresh berries, chunks of sweet pound cake smeared...
Quick apple kimchi salad with sesame beef! This Asian inspired spiralized apple salad recipe makes...
Singapore Chicken and Shrimp Zucchini Noodles is a delicious stir fry recipe.It’s best to have...
This Mahi Mahi with Mango Avocado Salsa is absolutely mouthwatering! Perfect for spring and summer...
This Salmon with Lemon Pepper Sauce and Roasted Brussel Sprouts is an easy weeknight dinner idea...
Chicken Fricassee is the ultimate in Cuban comfort food. Chicken braised in a flavorful tomato...
This Citrus Quinoa Sweet Potato Salad is naturally vegan, gluten free, and super easy to make. It...
This Italian-inspired Creamy Instant Pot Tuscan Chicken Recipe is so comforting & filling to...
This Mini Vegan Meatball Subs are Cauliflower meatballs are tossed in a simple marinara sauce...