I’ve had some serious pizza cravings lately but, it’s just too darn hot out most days to enjoy...
No baking skills? You don't need them to prepare this beautiful and super easy Simple Fresh...
Jalapeno Popper Bites - a delicious appetizer with golden puff pastry loaded with jalapenos, pepper...
If you are looking for a fancy dinner idea, look no further! Beef Wellington is what you need to...
These Mini Vegetarian Puff Pastry Pizzas will definitely be a hit at your next party! Puff pastry,...
I love these Spinach Artichoke Puff Pastry Cups! These delicious cups make for perfect party food;...
Your Christmas dinner is going to be stunning. This Christmas Pork Wellington is Wrapped in Foie...
Puff pastry roses with delicious fig filling. The filling can be prepared in advance and stored in...
The asparagus pie is a classic recipe. It is a simple and easy recipe and it needs only 20 minutes...
When the famed campfire treat is calling your name and no campfire is in sight, these quick and...
A super easy fresh tomato galette, a perfect summer dish
Meaty and Delicious Chicken Pie and Puff Pastry. Fill your tummy!
Since spring has officially arrived, I have been obsessed with the seasonal produce that comes...
No matter the occasion, pizza is always a winner in my house. Whether I keep it simple with...
These Pear & Cheese Danishes are easy peasy and really really good! Puff pastry, cream cheese,...
Elegant, tasty and easy to make.
Brie baked in puff pastry (Brie en croute) is a cocktail party classic. The cheese comes out warm,...
Using a butter puff pastry is the host or hostess's best friend. Try this delectable nibble...