So this recipe comes from another cookbook I bought in Colombia called En Su Mesa by five...
Delicious and full of flavor, these Vegan Samosa Wraps will be a hit in your home. Either make...
Chickpea Flour is High in Protein, Is Gluten Free And Easy To Digest
This crunchy-delicious salad is alive with power packed nutrients and is very easy to digest. Give...
I absolutely love this smoothie because it is so packed with nutrients. The recipe includes...
This is an extremely simple and delicious burger. Top it with all your favorite veggies and enjoy...
Eat traditional gujarati thepla healthier way. This is thepla is full of iron, calcium, protein...
I love this simple, refreshing Pineapple Red Pepper Salad with butter lettuce. The salad dressing...
I love ham salad and chicken salad sandwiches but, this beef salad sandwich is my favorite! Just...
You can use different ingredients for this recipe, just like any other fried rice, it's great to...
A delicious Italian frittata with perfectly spiced Italian sausage and a six (6) cheeses for a...
Who needs a hamburger when you can turn a veggie burger into literally ANYTHING?! I know that a...
Sodium is as much of a culprit in maintaining health as is bad fats.