Many women spend a lot of time and money trying to lose weight, but there is one woman who is on a...
One elementary school in Chicago is taking the concept of healthy school lunches to the next level...
This infographic by My Modern Met, shows the history, consumption, and other fun facts about fast...
It's not a secret that sugar is not so sweet for human health, but many people may not realize...
A new study reported in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine says that while kids...
Now that the American public is starting to make the connection between their health and what they...
The food world is filled with interesting factoids and awesome bits of trivia, but sometimes the...
Comedy Central and Frito-Lay are joining forces to bring the "South Park" Cheesy Poofs to...
Trading junk food for a juicer helped turn around the lives of two very unhealthy men. Joe Cross...
Papdi Chaat is very famous and delicious recipe. Here it is a recipe of a fusion papdi chaat. A...