Frozen blueberries, Greek yogurt, maple syrup, and lemon juice is all it takes to make this...
This is a refreshing Turkish yogurt drink, perfect for those hot summer nights! It's really...
As the temperature begins to rise, cool and creamy desserts are a refreshing treat. The...
Roasted strawberry parfaits from In Sock Monkey Slippers is a spring dessert you HAVE to make...
Blueberry chia yogurt bowls are an energy boosting breakfast. This quick and easy meal is...
Winter soups are so comforting and warming, but it’s often hard to find fresh and seasonal...
Make this greek yogurt mousse with raspberry sauce if you're in the mood for a simple, fast and...
What could be better than fresh from the oven banana bread covered in chocolate ganache.
Chobani voluntarily recalls their Greek yogurt cups in all flavors and sizes. Customers have...
This one is great for breakfast, dessert or a even a snack.
Chilled melon summer soup + few fun food documentaries to watch list!
In an attempt to stay healthy this summer, this fruit salad with yogurt dressing from Home Skillet...
The last thing you want to do during a heat wave is turn on the oven. This no-bake almond...
Forget the store bought stuff. Make your own Greek Yogurt right in your own home with the help of a...
Deviled egg dip from The Pig and Quill is an addictive appetizer. This dip is a riff on...
The flavors of banana cream pie in a healthy smoothie made with almond milk, greek yogurt and flax.
It looks like pumpkin pie, it smells like pumpkin pie but it is not pumpkin pie. This one has a...
Greek yogurt's popularity has exploded in recent years. Now, America's newest favorite...