An easy, cheesy baked eggplant and zucchini fritters recipe. A delicious vegetarian meal which is...
This recipe came about due to our new found love of plantain. Have you ever tried it before? It’s...
Today is officially the first day of fall which means its also officially "pumpkin everything...
Parsnips are often at the bottom of the list when considering fall vegetables. Often times...
One of the best things about traveling is coming home with recipes to share with friends and...
Falafel, a traditional Middle Eastern chickpea fritter, is a popular meatless fast food meal that...
Vegetables fritters are an innovative way to use up any leftovers from Christmas dinner. ...
Latkes along with other fried fritters served on Hanukkah signifies the miracle of the menorah...
Catherine Walthers new book, Kale, Glorious Kale, shares 140 delicious and unique ways to prepare...
Crispy, creamy and lemony zucchini fritters make for the perfect side.
Corn is one of my favorite summertime ingredients because of its versatility. It adds...
Everyone loves a good mac n' cheese recipe but these macaroni and cheese fritters from Amuse...
Curry pumpkin fritters from Dunkin Cooking the Semi-Homemade Way are a sweet and spicy appetizer....
Chef Yotam Ottolenghi is known for his simple yet inspiring Mediterranean cuisine. In his...
Zucchini fritters from Living the Gourmet is a simple seasonal dish. Shredded zucchini, onion...
Today's new food is a crispy fritter, made with chickpea flour and flavored with Indian spices...
Pumpkin sesame fritters from Angie's Recipes are a delectable fall snack. Pumpkin is...
With cool weather on the horizon, it is much easier to indulge in some of the comfort foods we all...
These corn and roasted green chile fritters from Cheap, Lazy, Delicious are a versatile meal....
You like cheese and tuna and have 30 minutes on your hands? Then you should try this delicious tuna...