The release of the new Star Wars movie has brought as much excitement to fans as the holidays...
Enjoy a dark roasted brew with Nestle's limited edition Star Wars Coffee Machines. The one set...
Pepsi Energy Cola, a recent release from Suntory, will easily convince you to join the dark side....
The Glowing Lightaber Ice Pop is cooler than the dark side. The ThinkGeek product comes with 4...
The Death Star tea infuser will steep your tea to the dark side. The infuser is modeled after the...
If you can't use the force to get noodles, rice, or sushi into your mouth, these Star Wars...
These fun Darth Vader foods prove that the "Star Wars" Dark Lord is a fine inspiration...
These Darth Vader LEGO cookies blend two pop culture heavyweights in one sweet treat: the "...
A French and Belgian fast food chain, Quick, will soon be offering a series of Star Wars-inspired...
Sometimes the dark side has pretty sweet perks. One of them happens to be these Darth Vader...
Verdura, an Argentinian clothing company, has created an art series of pop culture icons as produce...