The addition of fresh lemon zest make these buttery madeleines irresistible (best enjoyed warm out...
These sunflower cookies from Bake at 350 are a symbol of summer. Chocolate sugar cookie dough...
If you are looking for a new red velvet recipe, these red velvet gooey butter cookies from Taste...
These homemade cinnamon-honey graham crackers from A Cup of Sugar...A Pinch of Salt a bursting with...
These pineapple sugar cookies are a sweet treat baked by Paradise Sweets. The sugar cookies are...
This Hawaiian luau sugar cookie collection will transport you to the islands. The cookies, made by...
These Pink Eiffel Tower cookies will take your taste buds to Paris. The sugar cookies are iced in...
This princess cookie suite made by Auntie Bea's Bakery is fit for royalty. The cookies are...
These patriotic flag cookies would be equally appropriate for Memorial Day or Fourth of July...
These cookies are the love child of Alton Brown’s “The Chewy” chocolate chip cookies and the...
These necktie cookies from Sugar Fairies are a suitable gift this Father's Day. The sugar...
These painted sugar cookies from Lulu's Sweet Secrets are a handcrafted sweet. Lulu uses...
These custom Mother's Day Polaroid photo cookies are a sweet treat for your mom. The iced...
These pretzel snickerdoodle cookies from See You in the Morning are a sweet and salty treat. ...
The banana chips add a touch of texture to these wonderfully soft cookies and the hint of banana...
I think most of us can agree that peanut butter cookies are delicious, but Reese’s Peanut Butter...
These gluten-free and vegan breakfast cookies from Tasty Yummies will help you get up and go in the...
These are the most popular things I make. All the goodness of a s'more with the softness of a...
Despite their meaty appearance, these bacon cookies are a vegetarian-friendly treat. That's...
These Granny Square cookies will remind you of your grandma, her cookies and her knitting all at...