Oreo Swirled Cheesecake Brownies with Almond Butter Ganache (Recipe adapted from Picky Palate) I...
One look at this pie, and you will see why it is considered a must try dessert. Fluffy and light,...
It's always a good idea to know how to make the pantry staples that your family loves. In our...
Nicko's Kitchen has done it again, with this irresistible Nutella Ice Cream recipe. Of...
Brownies are my go-to snack, for serious eats. Now, I can eat half the pan with a little bit less...
Why make the traditional Easter hot cross buns, when you can made them luscious by making them...
We think that this would make the perfect alternative to a birthday cake! Check out this awesome...
Check out another amazing recipe, from Foodista member: Jessica Glick. We aren't positive...
I am pretty certain that any meal can be made better with the addition of chocolate. Here is a...
While digging around in the recipe archives, we found this irresistible Choconini ...
In a word; bliss. These sweet Nanaimo bars, are a gooey and rich, with chocolate and luscious ...
Everyone loves peanut butter cups, theirs just something about that magical combination of peanut...
This hot new recipe is perfect for Valentine's Day, since these Vegan Chocolate Dipped...
Make your own chocolate frosting for your favorite cupcakes today!