Cinco de Mayo is a day for delicious Mexican food, spending time with family and friends, and...
Tempeh is a whole soybean product, favored among vegetarians and vegans. Originally from...
Black bean and veggie burgers are comfort food gone healthy. The veggie patties are packed...
This black bean and sweet potato soup will transport you to the tropical isles of the Caribbean...
Here are the top five meatless recipes of 2011 on Foodista based on traffic. Whether you are...
Poblano, mango, and black bean quesadillas are a sweet and spicy meal that can be made any night of...
Enchiladas are a versatile dish that can be filled with just about anything. This version...
Enchiladas can be as simple or as complicated a dish to make. This dish is so versatile, that...
I love sweet potatoes, fried, baked, boiled- you name it. It is one of the healthiest...
Sweet Refreshing Versatile This mango salsa embodies all those qualities and pairs well with many...
Just because it's Meatless Monday doesn't mean you can't enjoy a burger. These...
Black beans cooked with a chipotle pepper, corn, fire-roasted tomatoes, and cilantro make a...
You might be wondering what does a Costa Rican Tilapia taste like… I was too, when I saw this...
Top with salsa, salsa verde or sliced avocado for even more flavor!