In anticipation for the premier of Despicable Me 2, Bakerella has crafted these marvelous minion...
Bakerella's Frosty the Snowman Cake Pops are an iconic confection. Topped with a Reese's...
Peppermint Candy Sugar Cookies are a deceiving treat. The cookies, made by baking genius ...
Bakerella has managed yet again to impress with her Snowman Cake Pops. The cake pops are a frosty...
These Frankenweenie Sparky cake pops, created by Bakerella, are a movie monster treat. Modeled...
These Dangling Spider cake pops from Bakerella are whimsically webbed. The unique stick for this...
Ghost cake pops from Bakerella are positively ghoulish. Chocolate cake is formed into mini...
These pencil push pops by Bakerella are the perfect back to school treat. The push pops...
Fans of will be thrilled to note that there will be a dreamy, new product to get your...
These Snow Cone cupcakes from Bakerella are a refreshing treat that won't melt in the heat. The...
Dr. Seuss fans will get a kick out of these "The Lorax" cake pops by Bakerella. These...
There's nothing better than chocolate, right? Wrong. Try: Water balloons. In the kitchen. With...