Pumpkin coconut butter cups from Mangia Blog is a paleo friendly candy. Pumpkin puree is...
Delicious almond cupcakes filled with a sweet and tart figgy filling and topped with cream cheese...
Game hens are one of the easiest birds to roast and stuff. That's because the stuffing reaches...
Raw almond butter can be pricey and sometimes hard to find. If you know how to make this...
Peach "Pop Tarts" from Grab a Plate are a summery take on this favorite American...
This gluten-free orange almond cake from Buttercream Lane is an Easter worthy dessert. The...
Apple pie granola bars from A Kitchen Addiction is a healthy way to start the day. ...
Start off the new year right with this light and healthy almond and apricot quinoa salad from...
I'm sure coffee lovers will not resist having a slice or two of this Almond Coffee Pound Cake...
These pumpkin almond cookies from Cooking on the Weekends is a festive Halloween sweet. The...
Today I’ll share one awesome recipe with you: Tajine.This recipe belongs to North Africa’s Berber...
Enjoy the last days of summer with this delicious vegan almond cherry ice cream. The base...
These homemade energy bars from Tasty Plan are a healthy snack. Packed with nutrition, these...
These adorable Easter egg French macarons from Yummy Mummy are a festive treat. Simple almond...
Brie baked in puffed pastry…basically, a buttery cheese wrapped in a buttery crust. How can that...
Almond Joy cupcakes from A Cup of Sugar are a sure way to satisfy your candy bar cravings. ...
Holiday-inspired quick breads are easy to bake and make great gifts. Choose any one of these...
As Christmas is about 3 weeks away, I think it is time to start making some new flavoured cookies...
Green beans are a staple Thanksgiving food. I urge you to branch out from the standard green...