Carrot cake is a must-have on your Easter table. Layers of moist cake studded with shredded...
Garlic shrimp is a quick and easy dish that can be on the table in under 20 minutes. Serve...
Fluffy, colorful and sweet, marshmallow peeps are an iconic Easter treat. This homemade version is...
These stuffed rice krispie Easter eggs are a fun way to celebrate the holiday. Make them for your...
Remember the candy filled chocolate Easter eggs that you used to get as a child? Now you can make...
This traditional Easter cookie is one that every 4H cooking member has tried. They are simple to...
Chicken and waffles are a classic Southern dish. The combination of the sweet waffles with crispy...
There is something so special about baking for children. Your little chef's are going to just...
It's never too early to practice making Easter treats. In our kitchen, this can be weeks before...
Learning to butterfly a chicken breast is an indispensable knife skill. This cooking...
Chicken cordon bleu is a vintage recipe from the 1960's. Similar to schnitzel, thin slices of...
Pizza rolls are a popular food with kids. They will eat them for lunch, dinner or even as an...
Penne pasta with peas and prosciutto is a quick and easy meal that the whole family will love....
Spring rolls celebrate the new season by bringing crunchy, juicy, healthy flavors together into one...
Michelle Obama's spring pea salad is a seasonal dish worth making. Fresh and delicious,...
Chinese spring rolls look difficult to make but are actually fairly simple to prepare. This...
There is something so amazing about rainbow versions of our favorite foods. We just love these...
Smooth, creamy, and tart, Lemon curd is a versatile dessert filling. It is delicious poured...
This gluten free cheesecake is absolutely stunning. We love the rainbow foods and this one is no...
Chocolate chip cookie in a mug is a quick five minute dessert. You can use dark chocolate or...