If you are busy and pressed for time on the weekdays, this vegetable and shrimp stir-fry is a quick...
Lentil soup is one of my favorite fall dishes. It is warm, comforting, and healthy. I...
MMM, these crispy yet soft polenta moons will satisfy even the strongest gluten cravings. Eat them...
Garlic Roasted Sometimes simplicity provides the most delicious dishes. Quinoa Goat Cheese A...
The Tom Collins is a classic gin-based cocktail. A super simple sipper, there's no wonder why...
Awesome No Knead, Frozen Olive Oil Bread. Genius!
Lasagna is always a crowd pleaser. You can make it vegetarian, with meat, or even a Mexican-...
It's no secret around these parts, I love chai. I love the spices, the tea, the scent, the warm...
I don't know about other parts of the States, but California is still pretty hot. We are...
When the weather begins to cool and we start to crave richer and more comforting foods, the same...
Rich, silky pumpkin, flavored with cinnamon and nutmeg, a dash of cloves and ginger, in a crisp,...
Gratins list among my favorite autumn dishes - based on a French technique, vegetables are thinly...
Pickled jalapenos is the perfect way to use up the last of the summer produce. Spicy...
Known for their natural sweetness and signature crunch, carrots might be my favorite root vegetable...
Enchiladas are a versatile dish that can be filled with just about anything. This version...
Vegan baking is always a challenge - with two "essential" ingredients for most batters on...
For a healthy twist on soul food, serve this simple and hearty dish with a side of kale or collard...
These are an unbelieveable cupcake IN a cone (filled with candy, no less). Super cute, but sugar...
With the return of Monday Night Football comes the classic game day dishes- chili, pizza, wings,...
Snickerdoodles are cinnamon-sugar-coated, crisp-on-the-outside soft-on-the-inside traditional...