If you like pumpkin bread and coffee cake, then this recipe for pumpkin pecan streusel muffins is...
Sometimes all you want to do is curl up with a bowl of soup and relax. Our first instinct is...
For those of you who love Wingstop style Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings (seen above) as much as this...
Soups and stews are serious autumn eats - easy to prepare, cook and store (or freeze!), sometimes...
French toast is a classic breakfast comfort food. Perfect for rainy mornings, special occasions,...
It's officially chili season! One of my favorite comfort foods, this quick and easy stew is...
New York Times columnist, Martha Rose Shulman, shares a recipe for a healthy and unique casserole....
The powerful flavors of Chinese food are delicious, but restaurants often don't use the best...
Shepherd's Pie is one of my favorite autumn/winter meals. Easy to assemble and even easier to...
Fall is a time for sweet pears and tart apples. These five pear dessert highlight the fruit...
French toast is probably the quintessential breakfast comfort food - it screams breakfast in bed,...
Ever wonder how to make those tasty dumpling you order at your favorite Chinese restaurant?...
These pumpkin spice cupcakes are the perfect fall dessert. This is a great cupcake to take to...
Sugar cookies are the perfect foil for any sort of holiday decorating. When trying to come up...
This is a family recipe for brown sugar fudge that sort of gave me an *in* with my inlaws. When my...
Stuffed shells are a great way to use up whatever protein, veggies, and cheese are in the fridge....
I know I'm about to commit a gross generalization, but I've never met someone who doesn...
Sometimes you just want to indulge in a deep-fried snack. To me, there is nothing better than...
Elena's Pantry has created this decadent pumpkin bread. Besides the tantalizing taste, the best...
Pumpkin cookies are one of autumn's little pleasures! Easy to make and bake, cookies are a...