Fall is officially here, and we know what you want. You want easy dinners that satisfy your need...
The number one advantage of the no-bake cookie is that you don't have to worry about preheating...
Vegan meals get a bad rap but with the right ingredients and recipe, they can be as delicious as...
In case you missed it, this week Foodista has been serving up easy recipes to prepare in the slow...
Pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans) is the Italian version of chili mac. Small circular...
Potato and Swiss chard enchiladas are a new take on a Mexican favorite. Instead of...
Nothing quite says fall quite like a warm bowl of chili and a freshly baked piece of cornbread on a...
STILLHOUSE Endless Summer Punch Courtesy of STILLHOUSE 1 750 ml bottle STILLHOUSE...
Bread puddings have gone unnoticed for far too long. You know how satisfying a slice of toasted...
Split pea soup is the kind of recipe made for the slow cooker. All the ingredients, except...
Chicken pot pie is one of my all time favorite comfort foods. That being said, it can be...
With the summer coming to a close, so is tomato season. This homemade tomato soup recipe is...
The slow cooker is not only a helping hand when your schedule is jam packed but a whiz at producing...
This week on Foodista we are sharing easy slow cooker soup recipes to help you get through the...
There are plenty of ways to enjoy the familiar flavors of a cheeseburger besides in between a bun...
The slow cooker can be your best friend in the busiest of times. While you are busy at work,...
No one denies the deliciousness of a piece of fried chicken; the juicy, tender meat against the the...
When the first signs of fall appear, I immediately crave the warm and comforting flavors of pumpkin...
Dinner is a challenge for anyone who has a busy schedule, and who doesn't? It helps to have a...
Fall flavors evoke warm, comforting feelings in all of us. One of the most popular fall flavors is...