October 28, 2011

One man in New York City can officially claim the title as the grossest person in the world. The...

October 28, 2011

Recently, a young man took to the Mountain Dew Facebook page and announced he was contemplating...

October 27, 2011

You are wondering what in the world I am doing promoting this fast food on a home cooking blog,...

October 27, 2011
TARDIS Jack-o'-Lantern

We've got the TARDIS mug and the TARDIS teapot, so of course it was only a matter of time...

October 27, 2011
microbial home

This futuristic Microbial Home concept kitchen is something out of a sci-fi movie: human methane...

October 27, 2011
rachael ray halloween

Rachael Ray recently filmed the Halloween episode of her "Rachael Ray" show, and the...

October 27, 2011
mcnugget anatomy infographic

What if McDonalds' Chicken McNuggets were a bona fide species? Mike the Pod envisioned this...

October 27, 2011

This video is crazy and chaotic. From a Chinese buffet.  [Via Shanghaiist]

October 27, 2011
Smith College

Two Smith College professors, worried that students considered their logic classes too dry, gave...

October 26, 2011
GMO T-shirt

 Threadless is an eco-friendly t-shirt company who makes their shirts based on votes from YOU...

October 26, 2011
drunk cat

Today's Weird Wednesday must-reads give your Hump Day doldrums the Midas touch. Let's dive...

October 26, 2011

Don't mess with the world's largest tech company. That's the message from this case in...

October 26, 2011
zombie cheese dip

For a Halloween party hors d'oeuvre that's guaranteed to freak out your friends, try this...

October 26, 2011

Just for fun, check out this unbelievable pumpkin carving that was done using the world's...

October 26, 2011
zombie bon bons

I love seeing all the creative (and creepy) Halloween treats this time of year, and these zombie...

October 25, 2011
Christian Louboutin

This luxe stiletto-shaped bar designed by Christian Louboutin is set to be auctioned off at the...

October 25, 2011

The Gummylamp by Jailbreak Collective is a series of squeezable lamps that look like super-sized...

October 25, 2011
trixy stix

Pixy Stix are so plebeian; the foodies at CHOW have created a grown-up alternative called Trixy...

October 25, 2011
Crackle Snap Pop Roll

Melissa Beveridge of Jersey Bites posted this fun recipe for the Crackle Snap Pop Roll, a fun...

October 25, 2011
Black Chicken Silkie Silky Bantam Superfood

Black chickens (also known as bantam or Silkie/Silky chickens) are considered to be a new superfood...
