One man in New York City can officially claim the title as the grossest person in the world. The...
Recently, a young man took to the Mountain Dew Facebook page and announced he was contemplating...
You are wondering what in the world I am doing promoting this fast food on a home cooking blog,...
We've got the TARDIS mug and the TARDIS teapot, so of course it was only a matter of time...
This futuristic Microbial Home concept kitchen is something out of a sci-fi movie: human methane...
Rachael Ray recently filmed the Halloween episode of her "Rachael Ray" show, and the...
What if McDonalds' Chicken McNuggets were a bona fide species? Mike the Pod envisioned this...
This video is crazy and chaotic. From a Chinese buffet. [Via Shanghaiist]
Two Smith College professors, worried that students considered their logic classes too dry, gave...
Threadless is an eco-friendly t-shirt company who makes their shirts based on votes from YOU...
Today's Weird Wednesday must-reads give your Hump Day doldrums the Midas touch. Let's dive...
Don't mess with the world's largest tech company. That's the message from this case in...
For a Halloween party hors d'oeuvre that's guaranteed to freak out your friends, try this...
Just for fun, check out this unbelievable pumpkin carving that was done using the world's...
I love seeing all the creative (and creepy) Halloween treats this time of year, and these zombie...
This luxe stiletto-shaped bar designed by Christian Louboutin is set to be auctioned off at the...
The Gummylamp by Jailbreak Collective is a series of squeezable lamps that look like super-sized...
Pixy Stix are so plebeian; the foodies at CHOW have created a grown-up alternative called Trixy...
Melissa Beveridge of Jersey Bites posted this fun recipe for the Crackle Snap Pop Roll, a fun...
Black chickens (also known as bantam or Silkie/Silky chickens) are considered to be a new superfood...