What's not to love about food films? In this Academy Award-nominated short film, a follow-up to...
Western Spaghetti is a clever animated short film by Pes that features funny objects like Rubik...
Pizza Hut is doing something a little different for Valentine's Day this year. The chain...
The writers behind the hit comedy The Hangover are working on a new TV show for ABC called Mixology...
There is nothing more romantic than chocolate covered strawberries for your Valentine. We did...
Just in time for the Super Bowl, mega fast food chain Jack In The Box has decided to release their...
These Gummy Ear Wax Candy's flavor isn't as disgusting as it sounds. The morsels are a...
The Barbie Cafe has finally opened up its doors in Taiwan. The official Mattel restaurant is...
Taco Bell has been teasing its customers with the notion of Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos, but...
Mini Buffalo Chicken Dip Cheesecakes are a drool-worthy combination. Made with a Fritos Corn Chips...
Pizza Hut Singapore has created a pizza to help celebrate Chinese New Year in the shape of a...
On Thursday, January 31, the sitcom 30 Rock will end, and to help pay tribute to all the laughs,...
Do you have trouble mastering the art of using chopsticks? Our curiously awesome friends over at...
These pop-up groundhog cookies will tell if you winter's here to stay or not. The cookies from...
These Unicorn Bacon Cookies contains neither Unicorns nor bacon, but who can resist them?
This Sriracha Chocolate Bar is a spicy sweet. The bar is filled with sun-ripened chili and dark...
Jamie Oliver made a guest appearance on Epic Meal Time, but it doesn't seem as though the...
A restaurant in Brooklyn provides a wine list full of funny quirks. The restaurant, Sel de Mer, is...
Sports channel ESPN has hired the Swedish Chef to work in their cafeteria. Okay, not really. But...
Domino's Pakistan has an unusual combination on their menu with their Quesadilla Pizza. The...