Charm City Cakes, the bakery featured in "Ace of Cakes," created an astounding "...
This Tea Rex tea infuser is the ideal way for history and paleontology buffs to brew the perfect...
These "Midwest" skillets by Alisa Toninato are actual cast-iron skillets that double as...
This "Where Do Eggs Come From?" gelatin sculpture by Hugh Hayden was an entry in last...
This Tumblr Tuesday, we're zeroing in on Starbucks Tumblr blogs. These tumblelogs focus on...
While personally, I could not tell a $2 bottle of schmo from a $50 bottle, but for those with a...
This Bon Appetit Threadcakes entry by Rebecca McDowell is a zombie-themed cake inspired by the...
Ever wondered what $1 can actually buy you these days? Big Macs and liter-sized soda aside, how far...
Genuine hearts of gold will definitely find creative ways to help people in need. In fact, even...
In the circle of life, someone or something is always bound, or for the lack of a better term,...
Fans of Alfred Hitchcock films will love "The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook," an animated short...
Chocoholics can get their fix in a calorie-free manner with these Chocolate Bed Toppings. This four...
With the Salt and Pepper Bots, you'll never have to worry about passing the salt to a relative...
Scientists at Bristol University in England have revolutionized recreational chewing with Rev7 gum...
Author Jeffery Dever's latest tome, "007 Carte Blanche," places James Bond in the...
Craft beer drinkers and fans of imported brews no longer have to look around for a bottle opener...
If you're not careful, you might accidentally mistake the iMeshi Japanese Food iPhone 4 covers...
Most people try to avoid sodium in their daily lives, but Bashir Sultani welcomes it by making art...
These Fruit Jackets are clever neoprene fruit covers that promise to keep apples, bananas and pears...
The Tulip Spaghetti Fork by Design-Matter takes a flower-inspired twist on the standard fork,...