Cheech & Chong's Magic Brownie Adventure marks the return of the stoner duo on behalf of...
Fall is such a great time of year in the kitchen. Finally, I can get my stove fired up again, and I...
Sometimes the dark side has pretty sweet perks. One of them happens to be these Darth Vader...
Dejana Kabiljo, an architect based in Vienna, is the designer behind this LetThemSitCake sofa. The...
Cider Braised Brisket with Tzimmes Grass fed beef and homemade stock, and hard cider reduction...
The baking blog, i heart baking, has done their share of Hello Kitty creations including cake pops...
These Toy Story cupcake toppers are perfect for fans of the Disney franchise. The immaculate edible...
As you prepare Halloween party menus and other spooky celebrations, consider these googly-eyed...
The QReo is a clever interactive marketing campaign by REDPEPPER in the form of a QR code made of...
September is National Honey Month. Catch the tail end of the celebration with these five...
Add an avian touch to your next dessert with these owl cupcake toppers. The set of 12 fondant...
If you thought cakes baked in a jar were cool, these can-baked gluten free layer cakes will blow...
Reformed wild child Nicole Richie turned 30 on Wednesday, and the mother of two rang in the...
I love these emoticon cookies by Ashleigh of Bee in Our Bonnet. The post that accompanies the...
These Super Mario Brothers cupcake toppers are unlike the other Mario-themed sweets we've...
Hostess has released a shamefully obvious tie-in to the upcoming "Transformers" movie...
As most everyone is well aware, cake pops are all the rage these days! From Bakerella to Starbucks...
Whip these up on the weekend, and wrap them individually. Then the kids can grab one as an after...
These delicious cinnamon chocolate churro cupcakes resemble the fried treat that is made throughout...
For the girl who just loves couture fashion, these Chanel cupcakes are the perfect accessory to a...