March 29, 2010
I just got back from an amazing week of relaxation in Hawaii and one of the amazing sights I was...
November 24, 2009
spiced ice cream
Thanksgiving is a holiday of tradition, all the way to dessert.  Even when something...
February 14, 2009
Molten Chocolate Cakes
What is sexier than yummy gooey chocolate? I've always loved molten chocolate cake - partly...
October 7, 2008
Russian Tea Cookies
One of my favorite (and easy!) cookie recipes is Russian tea cookies, also known as Russian tea...
September 14, 2008
Flax Oat Bran Muffins
These muffins are always a huge hit in our home. They're densely packed with good-for-you...
June 26, 2008
lemon curd
Lemon curd is a quintessentially English treat. It reminds me of having tea at Harrod's in...
February 29, 2008
I usually crave cheese more than I do sweets, but when my sweet tooth rears its ugly fang it's...
January 24, 2008
decadent chocolate chip cookies
In 1994, my mom's best friend, and my "spiritual" mother, Ann Wall Frank wrote a...
