Mushroom Kale Fontina Vegetable Dip

September 28, 2015

This rich, creamy dip was the tasty results of my being too frugal to throw away the stems from a bunch of mushrooms I was using in a recipe. I had the pleasure of receiving Martha Stewart's newest book, "Martha Stewart's Appetizers." After making the Kale and Italian fontina stuffed mushrooms, I had a bowl of leftover stems. This resulting warm dip made a wonderful lunch, and a new recipe was born. If you are new to Fontina cheese as I was, it's worth a look. The cheese has a creamy, tangy flavor and it melts beautifully in the warm Bechamel. Don't worry, that's just a fancy word for cream sauce. 

Mushroom Kale Fontina Vegetable Dip

From The Farming Wife


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