At this past Wednesday's #foodistachat, Chef Pete Servold of Pete's Premade Paleo took questions from our community on all things food, cooking and, of course, the paleo lifestyle. Without further ado, the recap:
Please welcome this month's featured guest, Chef Pete Servold of @petespaleo. #foodistachat
— Foodista (@foodista) September 12, 2012
Feel free to start firing away questions for @petespaleo. Anything is game: cooking tips, #paleo, diet Qs, food industry #foodistachat
— Foodista (@foodista) September 12, 2012
Welcome @petespaleo! What tips would you give home chefs on safe food storage in the fridge? Raw/cooked proteins, veg, etc. #foodistachat
— IFBC (@IFBC) September 12, 2012
@ifbc, Keep your greens wrapped in paper towels in the warmest part of fridge. & Don't put tomatoes in the fridge ever! #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@ifbc, Buy fish the day you are going to cook it, the shelf life is just too short. As far as storage the golden rule is.... #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
I'm just getting started eating a #paleo diet. What's your stance on cheese and dark chocolate -- eat or avoid? #foodistachat
— Marissa Brassfield (@efficient) September 12, 2012
@efficient, I love cheese and chocolate. But you should take a break from them for thirty days to reset your body. #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@petespaleo I crave sweets. What's a good paleo substitute? #foodistachat
— Sarah Menkes (@sarahmenkes) September 12, 2012
@sarahmenkestry things like banana ice cream. Let your bananas get really ripe, then put them in the freezer in chopped pieces #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
What about alcohol? Ideally, avoid, but if I'm out with friends, is one form of alcohol more #paleo than others? #foodistachat
— Marissa Brassfield (@efficient) September 12, 2012
@efficient most popular question I get, avoid beer, brown liquor, sugary drinks and deep breath...wine. Lots o sugar in all #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@petespaleo @sarahmenkes are there any other fruits that are good to put in the freezer? #foodistachat
— Chase Lindsay Rosen (@chaserosen) September 12, 2012
For the everyday home cook, what's the best kitchen tool to own? #foodistachat
— Sarah Menkes (@sarahmenkes) September 12, 2012
@sarahmenkes tough one....I'd say you gotta have a good chef's knife and a food processor in that order. #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
Is a paleo diet okay for kids? #foodistachat
— IFBC (@IFBC) September 12, 2012
@ifbc absolutely paleo is ok for kids,No sugar spiked toddlers would make for a better world #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@ifbc involve them in the cooking process and you will be blown away what they will start to eat. #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@petespalio What are the health benefits of the palio diet? #foodistachat
— Sheri Wetherell (@sheriwetherell) September 12, 2012
@sheriwetherell so many, but mainly no more insulin spikes, consistent energy, less inflamation. Lower risk of..... #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
i've been trying to cut down on diet soda and sugar for awhile now, but it's harder than i thought. why& how long will it last #foodistachat
— GLO Workbooks (@GLOWorkbooks) September 12, 2012
@gloworkbooksit is very hard. Sugar hits the same receptor as cocaine, it's that addictive. It lasts about ten days. #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@petespaleo tell us about your approach to paleo, as a chef #foodistachat
— Sarah Menkes (@sarahmenkes) September 12, 2012
@sarahmenkes my approach is that paleo is not a limitation, it is an opportunity. Using fine dining skills to make great food #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
What are some really easy ways capable cooks can make a homemade meal gourmet and restaurant-worthy? #foodistachat
— Marissa Brassfield (@efficient) September 12, 2012
@efficient hands down is to use stock everytime you would use water.Stock doesnt just have flavor it has gelatin fromthe bones #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
Could you explain the differences between the paleo diet and low/no-carb diets like Atkins, Dukan, etc? #foodistachat
— Foodista (@foodista) September 12, 2012
@foodista paleo isn't a diet, it's about getting back to the way we used to eat. Atkins was just low carb, but crap food #foodistachat
— Pete's Paleo (@PetesPaleo) September 12, 2012
@petespaleo thank you so much for joining us! I second @sheriwetherell, this has been great. #foodistachat
— Foodista (@foodista) September 12, 2012
Image Sources:
September 15, 2012
The contents are really good…