Aftelier Perfumes Connects Fragrance with Food

August 1, 2012

Aftelier Perfumes new line, Chef Essences, connects fragrance with food.  Crafted by Mandy Aftel, these oils are the purest flavor of a specific ingredient.  With flavors like pink pepper, fresh ginger, and cumin, you can create a dynamic and delicious dish with just one drop.  Each bottle is 5ml and contains approximately 150 drops (and one drop is really all you need!).  Enhance you cocktails, add a boost of flavor to your ice cream or even spice up your vinaigrette.  The Chef's Essence oils begin at $12 for individual bottles and can be purchased online.



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Mandy Aftel's picture

It’s so nice to have my Chef’s Essences featured here, thanks very much (I love your site)!
