It seems like every year people find new ways to ridiculously consume lots of booze. 2011 was no exception. Here were 5 of the most ridiculous tales.
1. Bro Chugs $260 Bottle of Champagne: Back in October, self-described meathead Kevin Strahle decided to show the Occupy movement by chugging a $260 bottle of Cristal.
2. $200,000 Bottle of Whisky: A Chinese man spent $200,000 for a 62-year-old bottle of Dalmore in September. He probably won't drink it. It's value increased $150,000 in 10 years.
3. Nine Bankers Spend £71,000 on Christmas Party: A greater example of unnecessary excess would be hard to find. Any party with a £10,000 tip for the waitress is a bit much.
4. Epic Wine Disaster Caught on Tape: Still hard to watch. So. Much. Wine. Down.
5. $190,000 Nightclub Bill: Cinco De Mayo was apparently a big night for one Las Vegas customer. They racked up this mind-boggling bill at Tryst.
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