August 15, 2011

Since Roseanne Barr as been out of the spotlight, the actress has become an organic farmer. Who knew!?
Well, it also turns out that Roseanne wants to capitalize on her new hobby by releasing a series a DVDs for kids, teaching them about yoga and how to cook with organic food. Each DVD is said to be 15 minutes long. 5 minutes will be dedicated to teaching Kundalini yoga, another 5 minutes will be to teach one organic raw food recipe, and the last five minutes will be left over for a fun song.
You can watch Roseanne navigate around her new organic lifestyle in her reality show, Roseanne's Nuts on Lifetime.
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September 24, 2012
Way to go Miss Roseanne! I think kid's of today should be encourage to do yoga and to aim to live a healthier life. Today's kids are so glued to computer games that they barely have time to exercise. I do yoga ISHTA for myself and my kid is in yoga class for kids too.