Homemade Baked Goods Now Legally Sold in Washington

May 17, 2011

Attention home chefs who have always wanted to sell their products in a commercial way! You can now sell foods you prepared at home directly to consumers. Before Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire signed a bill into law last week, anyone who wanted to sell food had to rent out a commercial kitchen space to do so. 

Under the provisions of the new law, home bakers can sell homemade butters, jellies and fruit preserves, along with non-refrigerated baked goods directly to consumers, starting in July. The law does carry some limitations with it. Foods cannot be prepared in the presence of children or pets, you must consent to unannounced inspections and you must obtain two permits,  a food and beverage worker's permit and a "cottage food operation" license.

If you make more than $15,000 from selling your products, you also have to go through a separate permitting process. 


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