An infamous New York City mafia hangout owned by Vincent "Chin" Gigante of the Genovese family has been purchased and turned into a hipster haven of natural tea and sspices. In its heyday, the Triangle Social Club was a favorite meeting spot for the crime boss and his henchmen; after Gigante's death in 2005, it passed hands to Mark Greenberg, who transformed the space into the Sullivan Street Tea & Spice Company.
The Sullivan Street Tea & Spice Company sells 75 organic teas and 150 organic spices, according to the Daily Mail. Greenberg retained many of the mafia hangout's design cues, including its floor tiles, "Members Only" sign, wall mural and tin ceiling, but admits, "It took a lot of degreasing to get rid of the cigar smoke and whatever else was there."
Photo by: A Passion for Food