The trick-or-treaters are barely gone. Jack o' lanterns still adorn many a front doorstep. And I'm sure we are not the only household with a bowl full of candy leftover. But when I turned the TV on this morning I was inundated with Christmas commercials! Christmas! Come on! We haven't even had Thanksgiving yet! Not that I don't enjoy Christmas - quite the contrary - I belt out carols for a good month and leave my tree up until New Year's. But, advertisers, you need to just slow things down a little here. Don't rush the process. We want to enjoy fall. We want to soak it all in and lavish in the holidays the season has to offer - in order of appearance. We're all so busy all the time, why rush? Let's just take a deep breathe....
...and start planning that Thanksgiving menu!
If it freaks you out, return to your breathing exercises. But to me, I love nothing more than perusing and bookmarking recipes - dreaming up how my Thanksgiving menu will shape up. Do you do that too?
We've put together a collection of great holiday recipes for you in one easy spot. If you've got something fabulous to share with the food-loving community we'd love for you to add it to Foodista! Check out our Thanksgiving recipe collection, and enjoy the next few weeks pondering and planning your holiday meal!
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