Goat Milk
Goat Milk is a delicious healthy alternative to Cow's Milk that is widely used around the world. Unlike Cow's Milk, Goat Milk does not need to be homogenized and is often sold as Fresh Goat Milk.
Goat Milk is sweet to taste with a slightly salty undertone. This nutritious milk is high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin B2. Goat milk can be used in many recipes that call for milk, and is used to make various types of goat cheese including the popular Feta Cheese.
Other names: Goat's Milk
Translations: Kazu piena, Ožkų pieno, Lapte de capră, Kozje mlijeko, Sữa dê, Mleka koziego, Geitenmelk, बकरी का दूध, O leite de cabra, Козьего молока, Κατσικίσιο γάλα, حليب الماعز, 염소 우유, Kozí mléko, Коза Млеко, Kambing Milk, 奶山羊, La llet de cabra, Kozje mleko, Kozie mlieko, Latte di capra, חלב עיזים, Getmjölk, Susu Kambing, 山羊乳, Lait de chèvre, Ziegenmilch, Goat Mælk, La leche de cabra, Козячого молока, Vuohenmaito, Козе мляко
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Cow's milk, Sheep's milk, Soy milk, Almond milk, Rice milk