Sage is an herb famous for its culinary and healing properties. It has lance-shaped leaves that are grayish green in color with a silvery bloom covering. It is available fresh, dried, or in ground powdered form. The oils and tannins in sage have astringent, antiseptic, and irritant properties. It is therefore an important herb in medications for mouth sores, mouth ulcers, and sore throat medications. Sage is used to alleviate respiratory infection, nasal congestion, coughs, tonsillitis and sore throats. It helps with indigestion and with the liver. It can help to alleviate insomnia, bleeding gums and to remove plaque. Sage is from the mint family, and has a slightly bitter to peppery flavor making it perfect for soups, roasts, stuffings and sauces. It should however be used with discretion because it may overpower the flavor of the dish. Sage and poultry are typical combinations, but don't overlook it as an ingredient in a fresh tomato sauce or fried and crumbled on top of a butternut filled ravioli.
Physical Description
Green or brown in color ,leafy ,dry
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
Sage is most often steamed and used to flavor fatty meats
Conserving and Storing
Store at room temperature.