Photo: flickr user Just chaos
South America's capybara is the world's largest living rodent. The meat of the capybara is reminiscent of pork; it is considered a delicacy, and often served dried, salted, shredded and seasoned alongside rice and plantains.
Physical Description
Adults weigh in anywhere between seventy-five and one hundred forty-five pounds. The animals look like enormous guinea pigs, and their flesh is likened to pork in look and texture.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
They are also ranched in certain areas, not only for their meat but for their skins, which have the unique property of stretching in only one direction. Gloves made of Capybara leather are highly prized.
Preparation and Use
Capybara meat makes excellent jerky, and is frequently sold in dried form. This dried meat is often used shredded in recipes like black bean soup.
It is also consumed in sushi. The meat, either raw or slightly steamed, is rinsed in a vinegar and salt mixture and rolled in sticky rice with a seaweed covering just like fish would be.
Raw capybara can be marinated before cooking using the same sort of spices you would for either pork or chicken.
Conserving and Storing
Store it the way you would any other meat. One of the reasons it's so often made into jerky is to extend its safe storage without need of refrigeration. It also keeps well vacuum packed and frozen.
August 9, 2011
The Catholic church lives in the wetlands?
September 10, 2012
If that were the implication, then the sentence would read "Since it lives in wetlands, the Catholic church". Thanks for playing though, Captain Pedant-o-fail.