Technique: How To Know When An Avocado Is Ripe
Color is not always a good way to determine if an avocado is ripe. A ripe avocado is relatively firm, but will yield to gentle pressure when squeezed gently.
Here is a handy little tip to know when an avocado is ripe and ready:
1. Look for the stem.
2. Pull out of avocado.
3. Did it not pull out? Not ready.
4. Did it pull out? Look at the color underneath. Brown? Overripe. Green? Ripe and ready!
Translations: Kā zināt, kad Avokado ir pienācis, Kaip žinoti, kada Avocado atėjo, Cum să ştiu când un avocado este copt, Kako znati kada je zrela avokada, Làm thế nào để biết Khi bơ An Is Ripe, Jak wiedzieć, kiedy nadszedł Avocado, Hoe om te weten wanneer een avocado rijp is, पता है कैसे करने के लिए जब एक Avocado परिपक्व है, Como saber quando um abacate está maduro, Как знать, когда Спелые авокадо, Πώς να ξέρει πότε ένα αβοκάντο είναι ώριμο, كيف أعرف عندما حان الأفوكادو, 어떻게하면 아보카도이 익었는지, Jak poznat, kdy Avocado je zralý, Како да знате када је зрела авокада, Paano Upang Malaman Kapag Isang Avocado Ay hinog, 如何知道什么时候鳄梨成熟, Com saber quan un alvocat està madur, Kako vedeti, kdaj je Avocado Zrel, Ako spoznať, kedy Avocado je zrelý, Come sapere quando un avocado è maturo, איך לדעת מתי אבוקדו בשלה, Hur vet man att en avokado är mogen, Cara Know Alpukat Sebuah Apakah Masak, どのようにするアボカドは熟している知るために, Comment faire pour savoir quand un avocat est mûr, Wie wissen, wann eine Avocado reif ist, Hvordan at vide, hvornår en Avocado er moden, Hvor å vite når en avocado er moden, Cómo saber cuándo un aguacate está maduro, Як знати, коли Стиглі авокадо, Miten tietää, milloin Avokado on kypsä, Как да знам, когато авокадо е настъпило
March 30, 2010
The best way to know if an avocado is ready without cuting it is:
1) Touch surface, is it soft or hard? It needs to be soft.
2) Shake it a little bit. If you hear that the core ie the big seed inside moves then is ready.
3) When is cut flesh needs to be yellow not green or brown. If flesh is brown then it means is no good or to rippen, better not to eat.
Best way to eat avocado:
Add a little bit of salt and vinegar onto slice and eat!
March 14, 2010
Yes - on the little stem leftover - you can pick at it and if ti's a nice bright green, you can safely know it's ripe and ready to use.
Another trick is if you put a ripe avocado in a refrigerator you can safely keep it from turning brown for a couple more days until ready to use.
To hasten the ripening of an avocado, you can place the avocado in a brown paper bag along with a banana - close up the bag and keep it on the counter - do check everyday - should be ripe within one or two days - the banana gives off ethylene gas which helps ripen the avocado.
March 6, 2010
I didn't know about checking the underneath color on the stem....thanks.
March 7, 2010
You're welcome! It really is a handy little tip!
March 9, 2010
The Avocado should just give to slight pressure. If it's very soft it's bad.
March 14, 2010
Chef Don Messina and Chef Maven Leah Quinn...I learned something new today, thanks!
March 15, 2010
I check for a slighty green/black avocado that is firm to the touch. If left on the counter for a day, it is usually ready to eat. If purhased when soft to the touch, I have the inside flesh to already be slightly black instead of a rich green color. Hope this helps!